Ruitenberg BasIQs B.V. (EN)

Liquorice Root Sticks

Ruitenberg BasIQs is expert in liquorice ingredients. Liquorice root sticks are the harvested roots of the liquorice plant, the Glycyrrhiza glabra. After harvesting, the roots are sorted, dried, cleaned and cut to length. A field of Glycyrrhiza glabra plants yields a crop every three to five years. The glycyrrhizin content in the root varies with soil type, age of the plant and the area where the plant grows.

Variety of applications

Our liquorice sticks as well as the powder and liquid extracts that we offer, can be used in a variety of applications in the food industry (for example in confectionery, bakery, beverages, snacks, seasonings and marinades) as well as the pharmaceutical industry.

Four characteristics of our liquorice root sticks

  • Dried root of the liquorice plant (sticks).
  • Standard cleaned and brushed & heat-treated.
  • Average length of 17 cm (other lengths possible on request).
  • Approximately 75 sticks per kilo.

Standard and supplementary advantages

All our ingredients come standard with Easy Efficiency, supplemented with Dedicated Support and/or Co-creative Teamwork.

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